Vehicle remarketing sector still not joined-up, says VRA

car mechanics

The broad range of vehicle remarketing services provided by VRA members are in need of better integration. That was the message delivered at the end of the Vehicle Remarketing Association’s second technology showcase, held at the Kassam stadium in Oxford.

The showcase highlighted many technologies that support remarketing in areas such as pre-sale and sales channels, retail support services and the provision of data and insight. But despite strong innovation on show, delegates were advised that more could be done to join-up, share data and drive efficiencies across the sector.

“It’s been wonderful to see so many technologies that are helping define the future of remarketing,” commented John Davies, VRA chairman. “However, the reality is that technology is only the facilitator, making it easier for our members to do business with their customers. The key to a more successful sector as a whole, comes in the sharing of information. I hope that one day we might see a data aggregator transforming the sector’s shape, much as Right Move has done for the property sector.”

John Davies was summing up an event that drew 140 key decision makers in the remarketing industry and saw exhibitors demonstrating latest technologies. The line-up included Manheim, AutosOnShow, IT Fleet, Vehicle Quality Solutions (VQS), CAP Motor Research, Epyx, Glass’s,, Auto Trader, BCA and the DVLA.

Delegates heard from a line-up of inspirational speakers from Arup, Google and Microsoft, who gave insight into the constantly changing market dynamics and consumer behaviour, as well as the technologies which are driving efficiencies in the wholesale and retail channels.

TV presenter and motoring journalist Ginny Buckley hosted the showcase, her fifth VRA event in the last three years. In an innovative format that reflected the day’s theme, she played the role of roving reporter, questioning exhibitors on the technologies and trends, with live pictures streamed onto the big screen in the delegates’ area.


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