VRA provides “essential” Brexit briefing in penultimate 2021 Outlook Seminar series

An ”essential” Brexit briefing is to be provided by the Vehicle Remarketing Association (VRA) in its penultimate 2021 Outlook Seminar, being held online at 10am on December 3.

David Bailey, professor of business economics at the University of Birmingham’s Business School, who has established himself as an expert in the effects of Brexit on the motor industry, will be talking about the probable impact of finally leaving the EU.

Also, Owen Edwards, an associate director and automotive specialist at Grant Thornton will be providing a general overview of the economic outlook for next year.

The webinar is the latest in a series of five briefing events that the VRA is holding during November and December that are open to anyone who works in the motor industry. Each lasting 30 minutes, they are designed to provide a compact but expert summary of next year’s prospects in key areas of remarketing.

Sam Watkins, chair at the VRA, said: “There is a long list of factors that could have a major effect on the remarketing sector in 2021 but Brexit is probably the elephant in the room. While things could yet be resolved relatively favourably, we’re still facing the very real possibility of a no-deal exit from the EU and all the very real negatives that would bring. We’re therefore very pleased to have David Bailey on hand to provide an essential briefing and bring a little welcome clarity to the situation.

“Also, in the wake of the pandemic, the general economic situation remains very unpredictable. Owen Edwards of Grant Thornton is an old friend of the VRA and very highly rated by our members, so we are looking forward to hearing what he has got to say about how the picture is likely to develop.”

So far, the Outlook Seminar 2021 events have featured Mike Jones of ASE Global, Philip Nothard of Cox Automotive, Steve Freeman at MHA Consulting, Derren Martin of Cap Hpi, Rupert Pontin of Cazana and Jayson Whittington of Glass’s.

They are designed to take the place of the VRA Seminar, which is normally held every November but had proven impossible to organise in the current environment.

Sam said: “The online format doesn’t create the same degree of buzz as having 200 people in a room but it has worked well. Not only has the content been informative and stimulating but there has been a very high level of discussion and interaction.

“Despite the pandemic, we wanted to try and deliver something that fulfilled a similar role to the VRA Seminar but were also mindful of the degree of webinar fatigue around. Over the last few months, most of us have spent a lot of time on Zoom.

“The 30 minute format we’ve adopted is designed to pack the maximum amount of information into the minimum time commitment. Anyone who attends all five events should find themselves well briefed about remarketing over the next year.

“One of the good things about our normal seminar is that it is open to anyone who works in the motor industry and we have decided to continue this offer into the 2021 Outlook Seminars. It is not just for VRA members.”

Those who wish to register to attend the 2021 Outlook Seminars should e-mail info@thevra.co.uk.

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