VRA’s new “Five Minute Briefing” looks back at key remarketing trends of 2021

The key remarketing trends seen during 2021 are the subject of the latest “Five Minute Briefing” from the Vehicle Remarketing Association.

Six experts from the industry body’s board have summarised in a single paragraph the key developments that have been seen in their specific area of the sector.

They include Jon Davies, Head of Strategy and Insight, Auto Trader UK; Cliff Deller, Remarketing Consultant, Aston Barclay Remarketing and The Car Buying Group; Derren Martin, head of valuations at cap hpi; Jayson Whittington, chief car editor, Glass’s; and Gary Xuereb, commercial director, DMN Logistics.

Philip Nothard, chair at the VRA, whose views are also included in the document, said: “This has been a remarkable year for remarketing – in fact, one of the contributions to the Five Minute Briefing describes it as a ‘black swan’ moment. In some respects because the narrative is now so well-known, that means there are few surprises in our document, but it underlines the unprecedented nature of recent events to see them summarised.

“Developments we have highlighted, such as new car shortages and rapidly rising used car values, are unlikely to be seen again in our working lives, and our experts provide a valuable insight into the changes they have seen.”

Philip said that the introduction of the Five Minute Briefing format had been one of the VRA’s successes in 2021.

“Since the start of the pandemic, we have been looking for new ways to add value for our member organisations and the wider remarketing sector, and the Five Minute Briefing has been one idea that has caught on quickly, providing a useful synopsis on current trends and topics.

“Previous editions covering post-lockdown dealer re-openings and supply issues have worked well in terms of proving useful to industry professionals while also helping to spark new ideas and debate.

“We are planning more Five Minute Briefings for the future and are also open to suggestions from across the industry for subjects that the remarketing sector would like to see tackled by our experts.”

The “Five Minute Briefing” can be obtained by emailing info@thevra.co.uk.

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