News and blogs

Where VRA members — and sometimes invited voices from outside the organisation — write about some of the industry's latest trends. If there is something you'd like to contribute, please get in touch at

Current and future values of EVs to be tackled in detail at new VRA webinar

The current and future values of electric vehicles (EVs) are the subject of the next instalment of the Vehicle Remarketing Association (VRA) “New Normal Briefing” series of webinars. Taking place

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VRA urges remarketing sector to contribute to latest autonomous vehicles consultation

The Vehicle Remarketing Association (VRA) is urging the remarketing sector to make its thoughts on autonomous vehicles known as part of a new consultation by the English and Scottish Law

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VAT changes, support for UK motor industry and road charging should all be tackled in Budget, says VRA

Changes to VAT around compensation payments, strategic support for the UK motor industry, and the future of road charging are key subjects that should be tackled by the Chancellor in

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Nissan can live with the Brexit deal – for now.

Having previously stressed the risks of a no trade deal for its entire European business model, Nissan has committed to assembling cars at its Sunderland plant – for now at least. That

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Plant closure could be “tip of the iceberg” for new car supply issues, warns VRA

This week’s temporary closure of Honda’s Swindon plant because of parts shortages could be the “tip of the iceberg” for new car supply issues in 2021, the Vehicle Remarketing Association

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Philip Nothard

Philip Nothard elected as new chair of the VRA with Rupert Pontin as deputy chair

Philip Nothard has been elected as the new chair of the Vehicle Remarketing Association, succeeding Sam Watkins, who has held the role for the last two years. With a 30

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car mechanics

VRA helps remarketing prepare for pandemic’s end with “New Normal Briefing” webinar series

A new webinar series designed to help the remarketing sector prepare for the end of the pandemic has been announced by the Vehicle Remarketing Association Called “The New Normal Briefing,”

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“Thin” Brexit trade deal leaves many questions unanswered, warns VRA

The new, “thin” Brexit deal that is now in effect leaves many unanswered questions that could have serious implications for the UK motor industry, the Vehicle Remarketing Association (VRA) is

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The deal and UK Automotive

That a trade deal has been at been agreed at the last minute between the UK and EU comes as a huge relief for manufacturing sectors like automotive, which would

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VRA asks “three key questions” in final 2021 Outlook Seminar

“Three key questions” will be put to a range of industry experts by the Vehicle Remarketing Association (VRA) in its final 2021 Outlook Seminar, being held online at 10 am

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VRA provides “essential” Brexit briefing in penultimate 2021 Outlook Seminar series

An ”essential” Brexit briefing is to be provided by the Vehicle Remarketing Association (VRA) in its penultimate 2021 Outlook Seminar, being held online at 10am on December 3. David Bailey,

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Enhanced social restrictions brings click and collect into focus

To adhere to the latest government imposed COVID-19 lockdown, on November 5 car dealers in England temporarily closed their physical sales operations for the second time in a year. Lockdown-2

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